March Concerts: Cancelled

Due to COVID-19 pandemic concerns and in an effort to lower risks to health for audiences and their communities, Halie has cancelled or postponed all March events (including this weekend’s performances in Florida). Check back for further updates, including re-scheduling of this month’s concerts or necessary future date postponements.

A note from Halie:

My heart is with all who are suffering due to this pandemic, and all who are afraid, feeling isolated, or otherwise adversely affected by the instability and dramatic change it’s brought to our daily lives.
I am grateful for the measures currently being taken by some nations and now by some states (including Oregon) to help protect the spread of the virus, including event cancellations and other moves to promote greater social distancing. I’m more than willing to do my part for the sake of public health and the health of my family, friends, and fans.

In the meantime, I want to bring some more music and other forms of artist-to-audience connection opportunities to you in hopes that it will help lift your spirits during these tumultuous times! I will be adding some new live performance videos on YouTube, increasing my presence on social media when able, and am open to YOUR suggestions for other ways that I can better bring my music to you during these next weeks… or longer. (we’ll just have to keep taking it day by day, my friends! No one knows where this is headed.)
Find me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

I wish you all strength, patience, and a stack of excellent books in the meantime. Also, check on your neighbors, cook some comfort food, wash your hands, sterilize your phones (!!!), take your vitamins, and be gentle with yourself and others. <3

Much love to you!


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