Kickstarter: 87% funded! Only 6 days left! Please pledge today! (Kickstarter is all-or-nothing funding)

Calling all fans of Halie Loren’s music:

If you were already interested in buying a download or CD of her new album of original music when it comes out in 2018, please consider buying the music early with a pledge to her Kickstarter campaign today.

Making a pledge will not only get you this new music (early), it will also help bring this album into being.

There are many rewards to choose from in every price range, from just $5 (gets you a download of the first single before anyone else can get it!) all the way to $10,000 (gets you a concert just for you and your friends anywhere in the world) and everything in between. Every bit helps!

This music needs YOU! And, for the next 6 days (ending on September 30th) you can help bring something beautiful into the world. Please join us!

Sincerest thanks to all who have already supported this project. Halie can’t wait to share this music with you (and send you all the sweet rewards you’ve ordered!).


Recent press features about the Kickstarter campaign and the yet-to-be-recorded album:

Eugene Weekly

Oregon Coast Today

Albany Democrat-Herald

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